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MiProfile’s Phantom Share Scheme: The Power of Incentivization


Phantom Shares


In the competitive landscape of modern business, securing and retaining top-tier talent is crucial. MiProfile, a leading professional network, has effectively addressed this challenge through the introduction of a Phantom Share Scheme (PSS).

This strategic initiative not only bolsters retention efforts but also aligns the interests of its Affiliates with the company's long-term objectives.


Understanding the Phantom Share Scheme

A Phantom Share Scheme, also referred to as a "Shadow Stock" or "Virtual Share" plan, is a compensatory mechanism wherein participants are awarded "phantom shares." These shares mimic the performance of the company’s actual stock but do not represent tangible assets. Instead, they confer upon Affiliates the right to receive cash payments or equivalent value, reflecting the performance and appreciation of the company’s real stock over time.


The Functioning of MiProfile’s Phantom Share Scheme

MiProfile’s Phantom Share Scheme is designed to instil a sense of ownership and provide incentives to its Affiliates without diluting the equity of existing shareholders. The scheme operates as follows:

      1. Grant of Phantom Shares: Eligible Affiliates receive phantom shares as part of their remuneration. The allotment is based on factors such as seniority, role within the company, and individual contributions.

      2. Vesting Period: Similar to traditional stock options, these phantom shares typically include a vesting period. Affiliates must remain with the company for a defined duration to benefit from these shares.

      3. Payouts: The value of the phantom shares is linked to the market value of MiProfile’s actual shares. Upon vesting, Affiliates may receive cash payouts at specific intervals, determined by the growth in value of their allocated phantom shares.


Advantages of the Phantom Share Scheme

For Affiliates:

        • Financial Incentive: Affiliates benefit financially from the company’s success, motivating performance and fostering company growth.
        • Sense of Ownership: Although the shares are virtual, the financial rewards tied to the company’s performance promote a sense of investment and ownership among Affiliates.

For MiProfile:

        • Talent Retention: Linking part of the compensation to the company’s success aligns Affiliates' financial interests with corporate goals, minimising turnover.
        • Attracting Talent: The scheme enhances MiProfile's appeal to potential Affiliates seeking to engage with a business that offers a stake in its success.


Future Outlook

MiProfile intends to continuously evaluate and refine its Phantom Share Scheme to maintain its competitiveness and alignment with business goals. As the company expands, modifications may be applied to vesting periods, payout mechanisms, and the formula for determining share value, ensuring the scheme adapts to the evolving business landscape and market conditions.



MiProfile’s implementation of a Phantom Share Scheme underscores its progressive approach to business management and employee engagement. By leveraging such innovative strategies, MiProfile not only enhances its desirability as an employer but also cultivates a culture of mutual success and motivation essential for sustained growth.

This approach positions MiProfile as an exemplary model for other organisations contemplating similar strategies to maximise their workforce potential while driving business success.


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