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How to Earn Money with MiProfile Loyalty Program: MiCoin


Unlock Earnings with MiCoin: MiProfile's Innovative Loyalty Program

MiProfile makes it easy to earn money from your loyalty with our new Loyalty Program, MiCoin. Discover how effortless it can be to turn your engagement into rewards today! 


Here's How it Works:

1. Content & Coin Generation:

      • Users create and publish content on MiHub.
      • Users earn coins for their published content, which includes interactions with content, participation in discussions, and valuable contributions, and much more.
      • Alternatively, users have the option to purchase coins directly.


2. Ad Integration & Revenue from Advertisers:

      • MiProfile displays sponsored advertisements on MiHub, tailored to the preferences and behaviors of the visitors.
      • MiProfile generates revenue through these advertisements displayed alongside your content. This income is derived from advertisers who pay to have their ads shown on MiHub. 
      • MiProfile allocates 75% of the revenue to users who hold coins, distributed as dividends. 
      • To qualify for dividends, your content must comply with our Content and Affiliate Monetization Policies, and you must have a follower base of at least 10,000.


3. Valuation Date:

      • MiProfile will announce a specific date on which all coins will be valued based on the revenue received from advertisers. This valuation will cover the period from the previous valuation date to the forthcoming valuation date.


4. Calculation of Your Dividends:

To calculate your dividend based on example parameters, you can use the following formula:

Your Dividend = (Your Views / Total Views) * (Your Coins / Total Coins) * Total Income

    • Example Parameters:

Your Views = Number of views referred by you (E.G., 2,000,000)

Total Views = Total number of views (E.G., 50,000,000)

Your Coins = Number of coins earned by you (E.G., 100)

Total Coins = Total number of coins earned by all users (E.G., 7,000)

Total Income = Total income generated (E.G., $1,000,000)

    • Plugging the example parameter values into the formula:

Your Dividend = (2,000,000 / 50,000,000) * (100 / 7,000) * $1,000,000

Your Dividend = (0.04) * (0.0142857) * $1,000,000

Your Dividend ≈ $571.43

So, your dividend would be approximately $571.43 for your 100 loyalty coins, which amounts a dividend of $5.71 per coin, or $0.28 per CPM.


5. Payment of Dividends:

      • Users receive dividends based on the number of coins they own and are willing to sell back to MiProfile.
      • Dividends are distributed to users through their official bank accounts, which must be verified by MiProfile.


6. Continuous Engagement:

      • Users are encouraged to continue engaging with MiHub to increase their coin holdings and maximize dividend earnings.


7. Transparency and Fairness:

      • MiProfile ensures transparency in the dividend calculation process and is committed to the fair distribution of dividends to all users, based on their coin holdings.


8. User Benefits:

      • Through the MiProfile Loyalty Program, users have the opportunity to earn income based on their loyalty and engagement, thereby fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem for both users and advertisers.


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