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What is the Community Support Account?




Join Our Global Network and Make a Difference

Join our 'Worldwide Network' and become part of a community dedicated to actively shaping positive changes around the world. Embrace a deeper role and responsibility within this dynamic network. Together, let's create meaningful impact!

Referral Component and Worldwide Network

Our strategy incorporates a 'Referral Component' to expand our 'Worldwide Network' of compassionate individuals and entities. This initiative aims to unite people globally in taking meaningful actions for positive change, benefiting both you and your community. Join us in making a difference!

Why Join Us?

Membership plays a pivotal role in our organization, serving as the lifeblood essential for fulfilling our mission and sustaining our business. It goes beyond mere involvement to foster social accountability, from personal responsibility to community impact.

As a member, individuals embrace 'The Triple Bottom Line' - considering People, Planet, and Prosperity in their actions, ensuring a holistic awareness of community impact.

Membership signifies a commitment to operating in ways that positively impact society and the environment, enhancing partnerships and connections with consumers, employees, and communities.

MiProfile Community Support Account (CSA)

The Community Support Account (CSA) is our heart within the community. Affiliates contribute through monthly subscription fees, receiving exclusive benefits like discounts or cashback rewards up to 95% from our partners in the MiProfile Partners Network.

Subscription fees support our Community Development Initiative (15%) and benefit members (85%), with transparent annual disclosures on fund utilization for community development and member benefits in year-end financial reports.

About MiProfile: Transforming your World as you grow your Business